This is Edward Song from SAIS 7th grade's blog about a book called Number Devil. It is a blog for literature 100point book project.
2011년 5월 29일 일요일
Rating for this book
Out of ☆☆☆☆☆, I would give ★★★★★ since it totally grabbed my attention. It is one of my favorite book now and the biggest impression about this book was that there were so many contents and conceptions about math that I never heard of, shows that I learned a lot of new things through this book. I would love to recommend this book to the other students so that they can enjoy the story as they learn about math.
All 12 Chapter Short Summary (written in my own word) from Night 1 to Night 12
Night 1
Before Robert met the number devil, he always dreamed about himself sliding down and down to a long underground tunnel, which was a nightmare to him. One night, in his dream, he saw the dumber devil sitting down on the grassland. In that dream, the number devil teaches Robert that MATH isn't hard thing to understand and learn and shows several easy methods, such as 5160=5x1000+1x100+6x10(ex is just made-up question). On the same night, the number devil teaches Robert about number 1. He shows that 111x111=12321, 1111x1111-1234321 and later, when Robert asks number devil, "Then, what is 1111111111x1111111111?" The number devil's answer was you can't solve it, the rule won't work. The conflict started and it ended up both falling down to bed and falling into a sleep.
Night 2
As usual, Robert fell in asleep and again, goes down and down and down. But, this time, he ended up with a land, forest, with full of number ones. Then, he figured out that there were no zero in the forest. So, he saw number devil and asked him why there is no zero. Then, the number devil's reply was that zero was the last number that human created, and Robert will learn only the Roman Numerals on that night. On the same night, number devil taught Robert about concept of negative number, importance of zero, and involution, which is power. ex.)two to the power of five = 2x2x2x2x2=32 Towards the end of Robert's dream, the number devil spinns the staff with his mouth opened wide. Because of this, Roberts freaks out and wakes up.
Night 3
On the third night, Robert had some hard time to get into sleep. At last, he sleeps.^^This time, both Robert and the number devil are in a cave with no enterance and exit. Number devil teaches Robert about basic ideas of division and concept of prime numbers such as 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and so on. Further more, he tells Robert that if you divide any number with zero, the answer will always come out in a wierd number. In addition, he tells that if you choose one number and double it up, there is always one prime number between those two numbers.ex.)if you choose 32, at least one prime number exist between 32 and 64 and they are 37, 41, 43, and so on. Last, he tells that all the even numbers greater than 2 are made up of two prime numbers. The dream ends as number devil travels to haze other mathematician.
Night 4
On the fourth night, the number devil takse Robert to the beach, in dream of course. He tells Robert that one devieded by three equals to 0.3333333333333333333.....He also tells that if 0.9999999999....continuously happens, he said it will later change to 1. He also teaches Robert about the square roots and shows that square root 2 equals continuing number,1.414213562373095048801688724......He also draws a square and tells that if each side equals to one, the diagnol line from one edge to the other will be square root 2. When Robert sleeps in his own dream, in order to not wake him up, number devil slowly, quietly, and carefully walked away.
Night 5
Robert tells to his mother that he swears he won't sleep at all on that night. But, eventually, he fell asleep. As he fell into sleep, he arrives in desert and found the number devil. This night, number devil taught about triangles. He also tells a method to solve addition of numbers from 1 to 12 very easily. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12=13+13+13+13+13+13=13x6=78. While the number devil was exmplaining about numbers related with rectangle and square, Robert dives into the pool full of triangles and swam as far as he could to escapes.
Night 6
On the sixth dream with the number devil, Robert learns about Fibonacci Sequence. To make Robert fully understand about Fibonacci Sequence, the number devil changes one month into five minutes and gives robert a bunny clock. He shows robert the sequence of increasing bunny. When he list Fibonacci numbers in order, it was 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233 and so on. When too much bunnies were created, the number devil turned the clock clockwise and there were two cute bunnies left. At the end of that night, Robert felt lucky that his house's clock isn't bunny clock.
Night 7
Robert was drawing bunnies for his whole school day. After his meal, for emergency, he droped one ball-point pen in his pajama pocket and fell a sleep. When the number devil appeared, he took Robert to the white colored house and introduced the new mathamedic method by making pyramid with small white squares, 16 at the bottom. (see one of picture that I posted in my second article in this blog) The number devil once again introduced numbers of triangles and kept on saying that there is no end to the math, it is endless.
Night 8
This time, in the begining of the dream, Robert stands infront of the whit board. The number teaches Robert about combination and number of cases. If there are 2 kids in class, there are 2 possible ways. If there are 3, then 6 possible ways. As more and more students enters the room, Robert and number devil try to figure out the number of possible ways, but eventually makes everyone to go back to their home. Then, he tells Robert that he will be on vacation for few moment.
Night 9
On this night, Robert caught a cold, fever, was sick. In the dream, the number devil gave him a blanket and said let's review for what they've been learing until now, including all the methods and numbers like square root, power, prime number, and more. But, soon, Robert said he can't do it any more. So, the number devil chose to introduce the conception of rating, but soon, Robert said he wanted to quit, and the number devil quietly disappeared. Next day, in the morning, Robert was fine and came back to his normal day routine.
Night 10
Robert felt cold, and thought he was trapped in the snow. However, when he turned on the light, he was looking at another Robert, him self, in a movie theather being in a cold temperature. In that dream, the number devil said let us learn about continuing fractions and some methods or equations about area and perimeter of triangle and 3-D triangle. But, may be the number devil has explained too much, later at that lesson, his voice was barely heard and at last, Robert couldn't hear the number devil's voice at all.
Night 11
Robert was running wildly in a down town because Mister Bokel was following him. Robert saw two Mr. Bokel coming at the next corner. Fortunately, the number devil took Robert to his secret elevator which leads to highest point where Dr.Bockel couldn't reach. After letting Robert to sit on a swing, number devil explained about hypothesis, theory, and evidence. He talks about letter from Russel, who found out about 1+1. After the number devil went, Robert was riding swing and fell into a sleep.
Night 12
When Robert was sleeping, the number devil brought a invitation to Math Heaven and Math Hell. Robert and the number devil found out lots of mathemadcian such as chinese person who invented the number 0. Robert asked where is the highest ranked person and the number devil replied he is at the place over the clouds. After the feast, Robert easily passes the test about natural number and gets a medal for phytagorean theory and got a necklace with sharp and golden pentagon. Later he fell a sleep at one corner. When he woke up, the necklace was still there and when he went to his school, Mr.Bokel's boring math test was easy to him and he thanked the number devil.
Before Robert met the number devil, he always dreamed about himself sliding down and down to a long underground tunnel, which was a nightmare to him. One night, in his dream, he saw the dumber devil sitting down on the grassland. In that dream, the number devil teaches Robert that MATH isn't hard thing to understand and learn and shows several easy methods, such as 5160=5x1000+1x100+6x10(ex is just made-up question). On the same night, the number devil teaches Robert about number 1. He shows that 111x111=12321, 1111x1111-1234321 and later, when Robert asks number devil, "Then, what is 1111111111x1111111111?" The number devil's answer was you can't solve it, the rule won't work. The conflict started and it ended up both falling down to bed and falling into a sleep.
Night 2
As usual, Robert fell in asleep and again, goes down and down and down. But, this time, he ended up with a land, forest, with full of number ones. Then, he figured out that there were no zero in the forest. So, he saw number devil and asked him why there is no zero. Then, the number devil's reply was that zero was the last number that human created, and Robert will learn only the Roman Numerals on that night. On the same night, number devil taught Robert about concept of negative number, importance of zero, and involution, which is power. ex.)two to the power of five = 2x2x2x2x2=32 Towards the end of Robert's dream, the number devil spinns the staff with his mouth opened wide. Because of this, Roberts freaks out and wakes up.
Night 3
On the third night, Robert had some hard time to get into sleep. At last, he sleeps.^^This time, both Robert and the number devil are in a cave with no enterance and exit. Number devil teaches Robert about basic ideas of division and concept of prime numbers such as 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and so on. Further more, he tells Robert that if you divide any number with zero, the answer will always come out in a wierd number. In addition, he tells that if you choose one number and double it up, there is always one prime number between those two numbers.ex.)if you choose 32, at least one prime number exist between 32 and 64 and they are 37, 41, 43, and so on. Last, he tells that all the even numbers greater than 2 are made up of two prime numbers. The dream ends as number devil travels to haze other mathematician.
Night 4
On the fourth night, the number devil takse Robert to the beach, in dream of course. He tells Robert that one devieded by three equals to 0.3333333333333333333.....He also tells that if 0.9999999999....continuously happens, he said it will later change to 1. He also teaches Robert about the square roots and shows that square root 2 equals continuing number,1.414213562373095048801688724......He also draws a square and tells that if each side equals to one, the diagnol line from one edge to the other will be square root 2. When Robert sleeps in his own dream, in order to not wake him up, number devil slowly, quietly, and carefully walked away.
Night 5
Robert tells to his mother that he swears he won't sleep at all on that night. But, eventually, he fell asleep. As he fell into sleep, he arrives in desert and found the number devil. This night, number devil taught about triangles. He also tells a method to solve addition of numbers from 1 to 12 very easily. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12=13+13+13+13+13+13=13x6=78. While the number devil was exmplaining about numbers related with rectangle and square, Robert dives into the pool full of triangles and swam as far as he could to escapes.
Night 6
On the sixth dream with the number devil, Robert learns about Fibonacci Sequence. To make Robert fully understand about Fibonacci Sequence, the number devil changes one month into five minutes and gives robert a bunny clock. He shows robert the sequence of increasing bunny. When he list Fibonacci numbers in order, it was 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233 and so on. When too much bunnies were created, the number devil turned the clock clockwise and there were two cute bunnies left. At the end of that night, Robert felt lucky that his house's clock isn't bunny clock.
Night 7
Robert was drawing bunnies for his whole school day. After his meal, for emergency, he droped one ball-point pen in his pajama pocket and fell a sleep. When the number devil appeared, he took Robert to the white colored house and introduced the new mathamedic method by making pyramid with small white squares, 16 at the bottom. (see one of picture that I posted in my second article in this blog) The number devil once again introduced numbers of triangles and kept on saying that there is no end to the math, it is endless.
Night 8
This time, in the begining of the dream, Robert stands infront of the whit board. The number teaches Robert about combination and number of cases. If there are 2 kids in class, there are 2 possible ways. If there are 3, then 6 possible ways. As more and more students enters the room, Robert and number devil try to figure out the number of possible ways, but eventually makes everyone to go back to their home. Then, he tells Robert that he will be on vacation for few moment.
Night 9
On this night, Robert caught a cold, fever, was sick. In the dream, the number devil gave him a blanket and said let's review for what they've been learing until now, including all the methods and numbers like square root, power, prime number, and more. But, soon, Robert said he can't do it any more. So, the number devil chose to introduce the conception of rating, but soon, Robert said he wanted to quit, and the number devil quietly disappeared. Next day, in the morning, Robert was fine and came back to his normal day routine.
Night 10
Robert felt cold, and thought he was trapped in the snow. However, when he turned on the light, he was looking at another Robert, him self, in a movie theather being in a cold temperature. In that dream, the number devil said let us learn about continuing fractions and some methods or equations about area and perimeter of triangle and 3-D triangle. But, may be the number devil has explained too much, later at that lesson, his voice was barely heard and at last, Robert couldn't hear the number devil's voice at all.
Night 11
Robert was running wildly in a down town because Mister Bokel was following him. Robert saw two Mr. Bokel coming at the next corner. Fortunately, the number devil took Robert to his secret elevator which leads to highest point where Dr.Bockel couldn't reach. After letting Robert to sit on a swing, number devil explained about hypothesis, theory, and evidence. He talks about letter from Russel, who found out about 1+1. After the number devil went, Robert was riding swing and fell into a sleep.
Night 12
When Robert was sleeping, the number devil brought a invitation to Math Heaven and Math Hell. Robert and the number devil found out lots of mathemadcian such as chinese person who invented the number 0. Robert asked where is the highest ranked person and the number devil replied he is at the place over the clouds. After the feast, Robert easily passes the test about natural number and gets a medal for phytagorean theory and got a necklace with sharp and golden pentagon. Later he fell a sleep at one corner. When he woke up, the necklace was still there and when he went to his school, Mr.Bokel's boring math test was easy to him and he thanked the number devil.
Math tricks and Math is Fun
Some of the teachings of "Number Devil", which Robert learned
1x1 = 1
11x11 = 121
111x111 = 123211111x1111 = 1234321
11111x11111 = 123454321
111111x111111 = 12345654321
1111111x1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111x11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111x111111111 = 12345678987654321
1111111111x1111111111 = 12345678900987654321
13+13+13+13+13+13+13 =13 x 7 =91
1 x 1 = 1
2 x 2 = 4
3 x 3 = 9
4 x 4 = 16
5 x 5 = 25
Think in Squares
1 x 1 x 1 = 1
2 x 2 x 2 = 8
3 x 3 x 3 = 27
4 x 4 x 4 = 64
2011년 5월 28일 토요일
Well, there are only two main characters. Robert and Teplotaxl
Robert: a young boy who isn't good at math in his school
Teplotaxl: the expert in Math, who knows everything about math and teaches all of them to Robet
Robert: a young boy who isn't good at math in his school
Teplotaxl: the expert in Math, who knows everything about math and teaches all of them to Robet
Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Hans Magnus Enzensberger is the author of the book, The Number Devil. He was born in November 11th, 1929 in Kaufbeuren. He currently lives in Munich. He has 3 younger brothers. When his family moved to Nuremberg in 1931, one of his neighbor was Julius Streicher, the publisher of Der Sturmer. Then, Hans Magnus joined the Hitler Youth when he was teenager, but was soon expelled. He then said, "I have always been incapable of being a good comrade. I can't stay in line. It's not in my character. It may be a defect, but I can't help it." But, he didn't gave up. Later, he studied literature and philosopy at the universities of Erlangen, Freiburg, and Hamburg and at the Sorbonne in Paris.
1963 Georg Buchner Prize
1985 Heinrich Boll Prize
1993 Erich Maria Remarque Prize
1998 Heinrich Heine Prize
2002 Prince of Asturias
2009 Friffin Poetry Prize and Sonningprisen
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